20+ People Who Show Us What Real Joy Looks Like

4 years ago

Getting your first dog, reading a story to your granddaughter, or taking a walk into the forest to see the bluebells — for some of us, this is pure joy. Sometimes life’s simplest pleasures count the most and make us feel more alive.

We at Bright Side believe that embracing the small things that warm our hearts and souls might be a fine route to happiness. So we want to share with you what true moments of bliss look like in the eyes of some Internet users.

1. “My 3-year-old daughter caught her first fish today.”

2. “My wife gave our son a whole chicken leg last night for dinner and the look of pure joy on his face made my whole day.”

3. Having a furry friend who loves you this much!

4. “My grandpa was very excited to show me that he grew a tomato plant in an eggshell.”

5. “This dress I made myself just in time for Star Wars Day!”

6. “I officially changed jobs today. My new job is ’cat bed’.”

7. “Mom came home after 8 weeks in India. Here’s Dad, the least romantic man in the world, waiting.”

8. “My daughter has been asking for 5 years for her dream dog. This week we adopted her new best friend. So far they’re inseparable.”

9. “I finally completed my life long dream and made a ’Big Art Attack.’”

10. “8 years ago, I moved to Finland with just a suitcase and couldn’t speak Finnish. Today I got my Finnish passport!”

11. “After spending the first 257 days of her life in the hospital, my niece gets to go home today!”

12. “My father reading to my daughter — my heart just melted.”

13. “My dad drives a special needs school bus. And this year, he invited all the kids to his house to see Santa Claus.”

14. “Took my nana for a walk in the forest to see the bluebells and she was so happy.”

15. “Our first father and son outfit!”

16. “Kids asked for a cardboard boat, so I made them a cardboard boat.”

17. “My daughter turned 19 the other day. We had to use the candles we had on hand.”

18. “I finished a tiny 375-sq-ft house that my dad had started before he passed away in January.”

19. Spending those first moments with your kitten...

20. “My son playing ball”

21. “My boys sharing a moment together”

22. “I never thought I’d find my perfect match on Tinder! But here we are, 2 years later, with an engagement ring and an engagement watch!”

23. My little gaming buddy

What is your idea of joy? What puts a smile on your face every day? We’d love to see your stories and photos in the comments!

Preview photo credit unknown / reddit


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#7 made me smile. Even the "toughest" men usually are really soft inside ?


People being happy because of the food is me 100 %!


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