They Had One Job But Failed with a Loud Bang

9 months ago

Hey, watch your step! Especially in this movie theater — look at the photo of the stairs one Redditor shared. The guys who tiled these stairs didn’t really pay much attention to one detail: the pattern. And patterns matter a lot in terms of how you perceive the objects around you. These stairs look as if they were just a regular floor with no steps at all. Luckily, there are these metal details on the sides, so they can at least somehow guide the people.

Intricate design can be tricky: whenever we change the shape of an ordinary object we need to make sure it won’t affect the way we use it. I guess the designer of this bench wanted to make something futuristic and uncommon, but let’s face it: this bench can only be used somewhere in a desert. I wonder how much time it takes for this bench to dry after a nice shower.

This one is totally weird. A Redditor showed a photo of a sidewalk full of anti-rough-sleeper poles. It’s not only impossible to sleep there but to simply walk either.

Do you see these two poles attached to a tram station? These were intended to serve as benches. I’ll give 5 dollars to anyone who can find a way to comfortably sit on these benches. Just kidding, I won’t give 5 dollars. I mean, the only thing you can do for sure is to lean on them.

Are you afraid of roller coasters? If not, you probably will be afraid of them in a couple of seconds. Look at the photo a Redditor posted. There was one detail missing, and the mechanic just placed a lump of wood to support the whole structure. No screws attached! Yeah, this one is not much of a roller coaster and it probably only goes 5 miles per hour, and also the structure seems to be well supported by other details. Anyways, this one is just to remind you to check thoroughly before you hop on the rollercoaster!

Even the simplest things may be done in the wrong way. A Redditor showed a fun pic of an epic AC fail: someone installed it not inside, but outside the house. I only have one idea: this person just probably wanted to change the weather and make the hot summer days a bit fresher. It’s too much work for a simple AC, though.

Now there’s a piece of advice: whenever you wanna build anything, never ever neglect the ruler. Even if you’re very experienced. Even if you have a very accurate eye. Otherwise, you might end up having something similar to what this Redditor shared. Yep, this is a handrail blocking the door. But honestly, this one’s not a big deal. This fun failure can be easily solved with a nice saw.

One more proof that a ruler is essential for any building or repair. The middle piece here was cut wrong but they still installed it. But look, there are appliances all over the counter. Seems like the guys are totally fine with these askew angles! Not gonna lie, this imperfection is driving me crazy.

Let’s travel back to 1731. Back then, many kings had exotic pet animals, and the King of Sweden was no exception. He had a pet lion who sadly passed away. The King wanted to preserve the memory of his pet, so he asked a taxidermist to help him. Now, look at the result. Any ideas on what the King could have done to the taxidermist once he saw his work? Anyway, this lion is currently on display at a formal royal residence.

Hand dryers are one of the coolest inventions ever. It saves paper, it’s fast and very convenient. What can go wrong you may ask? Well, this Redditor showed what can go wrong. The only explanation I have is that this is not intended for people, but for the table. Just kidding. I really don’t have a solid explanation for why the hand dryer is placed in such a weird way.

And this one is a perfect company for the oddly placed hand dryer! Meet the faucet that seems to be intended for the table too. It’s placed farther than its length so instead of regular water flow you get a cascading waterfall. Or is that the designer’s original idea?

Nope, this was not the weirdest faucet ever. Sensor faucets can be capricious, but this one beats all the records. You put your hand right under the faucet waiting for the sensor to give you the water, but somehow the water starts flowing from a nearby faucet and not the one you wanted to use.

Remember that patterns matter a lot? Next time you choose your toilet seat, be careful about its design. This Redditor shared a photo of a very peculiar choice of colors for a toilet seat. Not gonna lie, I want one! Looks like a nice prank for friends.

You know these fun photo cutouts? Sometimes people who do them fail with a loud bang too. Look at the cutout one Redditor shared. A perfect spot for creepy pictures.

Even if a bottle of water you’re holding looks fine, make sure it’s actually water before you take a sip. Who knows if there’s sanitizer inside? This probably sounds insane, but this Redditor was thirsty all day long just because he had been tricked by the way the bottle looked. You know, we all sometimes can be so thirsty that we may accidentally drink something that’s not intended for drinking. I guess some things should never be poured into water bottles, period.

Some failures are just hilarious. Look at this photo! Someone installed the carbon monoxide detector right inside the wall. Was it the person so strong to manage to insert in this way, or was it a softish wall that let them do that? We’re not likely to have an answer to this question.

You know these gaps under the stall doors in bathrooms? They’re intended to be there, and they have multiple purposes. Long story short, they’re here for your safety. But this gap is so large that it literally makes no difference, it gives you just the same level of privacy as if you were doing your business with an open door. The people who installed that door only had one job to do, why on Earth would they leave such a gap?

If the lack of privacy is not a big deal for you, you won’t be scared of this bathroom for two. This looks like a bathroom for extroverts: you can get to know new people and chat while doing your business.

Reading is cool! Many libraries promote early reading and create special sections for kids. Look, this library has a kids’ cute section too! But... It looks odd, doesn’t it? Yeah, I hope early rAeders will appreciate this lovely collection of fiction books. But I guess next time they do a sign they might want to use auto-correction and double-check what they print just in case.

A nice life hack for you: if you wanna grab something discounted, search for the products with typos. Look here, it’s a nice pot! There’s one downside though: instead of the word “Bird”, it has “Brid” on it. If you have a friend named Bridget, that would be a nice personalized gift for her. And it only costs $1.19!

While some security tags are attached so well that the shop assistants struggle to get rid of them at the checkout, others can be taken off in no time and even without magnets. This Redditor shared a picture of a security tag that looked more like a bracelet on that drill but not thief protection.

Manholes are round, and it’s for a reason: this way, they don’t need to be rotated. I wonder why this manhole is square.

Fences are here to protect our property, right? This fence can even protect the property from its owner. Right, there’s a fence but no door to be found.


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