15 Pics That’ll Make You Feel Like You Need to Reboot Your Eyes

2 years ago

You never take the same photo twice. Especially if it’s as unique as your sister seemingly passing a hand through your cat’s belly. Well, people on Reddit gift the website with once-in-a-lifetime shots that will give your brain a workout.

Bright Side dares you to take a look at these pics and figure out exactly what’s going on with them.

1. “My sister’s hand passing through my cat’s body.”

2. “I snapped a photo of my dog through a window screen and it looks like an old painting.”

3. “Took this picture right as my mom hit the rough part of the road and it came out strange.”

4. “Sandy banks on a beach.”

5. “This is not a mirror.”

6. “The stair slide: fastest way to get downstairs!”

7. “A rail support on a tram.”

8. “My shepherd/Pitbull mix switches breeds depending on whether he’s shaved or not.”

9. “I was moving at the exact same speed as the motorist so he’s not blurry.”

10. “You can see the sunrise in the mirror but not in the actual window.”

11. “How my face is not reflected in this mirror, but is in the mirror’s reflection of itself.”

12. “That’s not a necklace. Her drool joined together when she was waiting for treats.”

13. “This not yet opened Poppy flower looks like it grew teeth.”

14. Not a landscape photo, just a close-up of the top of a broken fence post.

15. “A reflective light switch on a mirror.”

Do you enjoy solving puzzles? What’s the most baffling photo you’ve ever taken? Don’t overlook the comments, it’s where the fun continues!

Preview photo credit Francis__99 / Reddit


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