15 Brides Who Bought Their Dresses for Pennies and Ended Up Looking Like a Million Bucks

Girls stuff
2 years ago

Weddings are a special day for almost every girl and most brides dream of looking like princesses. However, not all of us possess royal budgets or think that spending a lot of money on preparing for a wedding is a good idea.

Just like the people from our compilation today, we at Bright Side are sure that a dress of your dreams shouldn’t necessarily cost a fortune.

“Got this dress off of AliExpress for $310, already sized to fit!”

“A $200 eBay dress with hand-painted flowers. I think I love it, but my mom hates it.”

“I got a stunning princess wedding dress for $500!!”

“My $170 custom-made dress arrived, and it’s PERFECT!”

“I was kind of nervous because you know...AliExpress. Keep in mind that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.”

“Wedding dress from Etsy $300. Got professionally measured($25) before ordering.”

“Tried on a brand wedding dress in store for $699, then found the dress new unaltered for $225 on eBay!”

“Gave up on dress shopping in stores, got this amazing dress second hand on eBay. Couldn’t be happier!”

“Dream dress on budget! Arrived 3 weeks early.”

“My eBay bargain arrived! Actually, I live in jeans and black metal T-shirts, I honestly think people are going to be shocked!”

“My fiance likes fitted dresses and I like poofy ones. I thought there was no way to reconcile our tastes. My dream dress cost $1600 but I found an eBay analogue for $500.”

“Was nervous ordering a 100$ wedding dress online... it came in and I couldn’t be happier!”

“My AliExpress dress! Couldn’t be happier.”

“I bought the dress on eBay during Black Friday week. The size matches my measurements and is already hemmed for my height.”

“Didn’t expect much when I ordered this dress for $300. I AM IN LOVE! No alterations yet, hence the length and holding in of the sides of the dress.”

Do you think it’s worth saving money on the wedding dress and accessories?


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