20 ingenious ways to store things at home

2 years ago

There’s room for comfort and a place to properly store everything in its right place even in the smallest homes. And some of the solutions people have come up with over the years to solve the issue of domestic storage are truly ingenious.

We’ve discovered some of the most simple and accessible of these ideas which might help you to create order in all corners of your home.

1. With the help of a coat hanger and the rings from a shower curtain, you can solve the problem of where to hang your scarves.

2. This fold-out ironing board, which fits perfectly into a cupboard, can save a lot of space.

3. It’s possible to set up shelving for cans and spices even in the narrowest spaces of the kitchen.

4. You can use those sliding cupboards for storing pots and pans rather than bottles.

5. This activity mat for kids easily turns into a bag, so you can quickly tidy up all those small toy pieces in just two seconds.

6. Some wire stretched across an empty picture frame is a great place to hang jewelry, and it will also help to decorate your home.

7. These kind of attractive magazine holders can also be used to store all kinds of things which you’ve never found a good place for.

8. You can paint a used egg carton and place it in a drawer to create additional storage space.

9. Installing fold-out shelves is a great way to create additional space in the kitchen.

10. A shelve designed for holding a painting can also become a really useful storage space in its own right.

11. Use the space under your bed to maximum effect — you can fit tonnes of stuff under there!

12. The most vital things which you use every day will always be to hand if you put them on a plate or bowl normally used for fruit.

13. This simple and functional shelf allows you to save a great deal of space in the bathroom.

14. Shelves for spices can also serve you well as additional storage space in the bathroom.

15. Whereas the rack you might normally use for books and magazines in the bathroom can come in handy in the kitchen — especially if you attach it to the inside of a cupboard.

16. The lids of saucepans will take up a lot less space if you store them on the inside of cupboard doors like this.

17. Installing additional shelves in the refrigerator will let you store twice as many bottles and cans.

18. If you put folded up wires in the cardboard toilet paper rolls, they’ll be easy to find and won’t get tangled together.

19. A narrow chest of drawers like this can be really useful in the bathroom.

20. A little shelf like this for your wash basin is perfect for a small bathroom.


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