15 Famous Women Whose Clothing Size May Come as a Surprise

year ago

Celebrities often become role models for many people. That’s probably why we are so interested in every feature of their appearance: height, weight, clothing size, etc. But those are not that easy to determine when you can see stars only on the screen of your computer or phone. But thanks to special web portals, we can find this information online.

Lady Gaga — clothing size S, height 5′ 1’’

Invision/Invision/East News

Why do celebrities these days feel the need to let it all hang out? Back in the 60's ladies had class and looked amazing


Uma Thurman — clothing size S-M, height 5′ 11’’

bauergriffin.com/East News

Rachel Weisz — clothing size S, height 5′ 6’’

Emiley Schweich/Everett Collection / East News

Priyanka Chopra — clothing size L, height 5′ 5’’

Cat Morley / Avalon/Photoshot/East News

Nicole Kidman — clothing size XS-S, height 5′ 10.5’’

A.M.P.A.S. viaThe Grosby Group/Grosby Group/East News

Beyonce — clothing size M, height 5′ 7’’

mpi67 / MediaPunch/EAST NEWS

Charlize Theron — clothing size XS-S, height 5′ 9’’

Jordan Strauss/Invision/East News

Scarlett Johansson — clothing size M, height 5′ 3’’


Aishwarya Rai — clothing size S, height 5′ 7’’

Bella Hadid — clothing size S, height 5′ 9’’

Hahn Lionel/ABACA/Abaca/East News

Madonna — clothing size M, height 5′ 5’’

Evan Agostini/Invision/AP/East News

Angelina Jolie — clothing size S, height 5′ 6’’

Rihanna — clothing size S, height 5′ 8’’

Paris Hilton — clothing size S, height 5′ 8’’

Monica Bellucci — clothing size M, height 5′ 7’’

Piovanotto Marco/ABACA/Abaca/East News

The height of celebrities is no less interesting among fans. Sometimes, seeing famous people on the screen, we imagine them very tall or, conversely, short. The real height of many stars can surprise you.


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