Mom Divides the Internet After Claiming That She Fake Tans Her 4-Months-Old Because He’s Too Pale

year ago

A young mom left no one indifferent when she revealed the surprising skincare routine her baby has in order to look rosy and sun-kissed. And while many people were furious after learning this, others have agreed with her and even admitted that they’d be doing the same if they had a toddler.

Some people were shocked.

21-year-old Kylen Suttner made a video revealing that she uses a fake tan on her 4-month-old baby boy. Her beaming son appeared with her in the video, looking olive-skinned from the fake tan.

This mama’s surprising revelation has divided people and even started an online debate.
While many thought that she made the video as a joke in order to react to people who often note that her baby looks ’’orange’’, others believe that the mom is serious and consequently criticized her action.

A displeased commentator noted, ’’So, the baby will grow up thinking he isn’t good enough naturally, especially to the one person who should love him unconditionally.’’

Others were concerned that the baby’s sensitive skin might get hurt because of the chemicals in tanning mists.

But others fully supported this mama.

That said, many followers applauded Suttner and even praised her for this decision. One mother admitted ’’I fake tan, my baby, too, and some people just don’t get it.’’
Another person pointed out ’’I love this, I wish I had his skin color.’’ And a third person wrote, ’’You have to keep the tan up, it’s a lifestyle!’’

Just like Kylen, this mother also sparked online debate after revealing that she’s been waxing her 3-year-old daughter’s unibrow for almost a year. And while many people criticized her action, others supported her and even admitted that they might’ve done the same.

Preview photo credit kylensuttner / TikTok


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